Small Business Startup

How to Get a Venture Capitalist's Attention in Two Seconds or Less

When you submit a business proposal to a venture capitalist, you want him to pick it up, look at it, raise his eyebrows, and sqeeze a soft whistle through his teeth as he begins to read the smaller print of the first paragraph.

That's what is called Positive Impact.

Everything else is a waste of time.

There are lots of resources that tell you where to find small business startup funding, but finding them is less than half the story.

If you cannot get a potential investor's immediate positive attention in just a few seconds, your proposal goes right back into the stack that waits on his desk.

SO, what do you do to get him to pick up your proposal, scan it (believe me, that's all they do) and actually read it instead of putting it into "the pile"?

You need to learn how to write a one-page business proposal the headline and sub-header of which will so captivate his interest that he will not put it down before he has read the entire document.

He will read the entire document, too, because as he picks it up, he sees that it's only a single page long. He knows he can read it in less than a minute.

How to research and prepare such a one-page business proposal is laid out succinctly and most convincingly in Jack G. Riley's book, "The One-Page Proposal".

You can buy it through right here from this page: